Cloud / VPN Service

Cloud /VPN Service allows devices to connect to remote servers through a secure connection.

BSP v1.0.117 or greater is required


This service requires external access to the server for VPN setup (default port UDP/1194) and for self-configuration/other advanced features on TCP port 443 (Cloud Server mode only), so please check configuration and make sure no firewalls block such ports.


If you need endpoints behind your gateway device to be reached, make sure Router Service is active and set it up as follows:

This functionality is automatically supported when using a Cloud Server, but will require extra manual setup for plain OpenVPN server.


Configuration options are available in the Services Menu of System Settings (see "System Settings").

In case of connectivity error, from the BSP v1.0.348 and later the retry timeout has a geometric progression: starting from 5s, the successive retry is after 2*(Previous Time). This means 5s, 10s, 20s, 40s, etc. until a max retry time of 5 minutes. On previous BSP versions, the retry times was fixed to 5 Seconds.

Parameter Description
Enable Enable the Cloud / VPN Service
Autostart If selected, the application will start when the HMI device is turned on
Server type Select, from the available supported server types, the server type to use

Select the Corvina Cloud server to use (available only when the selected server type is "Cloud Server")

Files Allows you to upload VPN configuration files (available only when the selected server type is "OpenVPN")

Select from the available authentication modes

  • Username/ password
  • Activation code (available only when the selected server type is "Cloud Server")
  • Certificate (available only when the selected server type is "OpenVPN")
  • Certificate + username/ password (available only when the selected server type is "OpenVPN")
  • None (available only when the selected server type is "OpenVPN")
Username Enter the username of the remote server account
Password Enter the password of the remote server account
Show Password Displays the typed characters on the password
Cloud Server

Cloud Server is a VPN-based solution that allows seamless connection of users with gateways and endpoints. It provides a full management infrastructure to make such process painfree.

Configuration is downloaded automatically from Cloud Server, so the only required parameters are Server (hostname or IP address), Username and Password.


This mode uses a standard OpenVPN configuration to connect devices.

Case A: Configuration files provided

In remote access environments based on an OpenVPN server, system administrators normally supply a number of OpenVPN configuration files directly to end users.

In such case configuration is quite straight-forward since it requires only two simple steps:

  1. browse and upload N files (this should include at least a main OpenVPN configuration file, but may also include server and/or client certificates in .pem, .p12 or other formats); make sure you select all necessary files in one shot by using platform-dependent multiselection;
  2. select an appropriate Authentication type and insert credentials if they are required.

You're done! now press Save, wait a little while and you should see an updated connection status.

Case B: No configuration files provided

If no configuration files have been provided by your system administrator, you will need to create the OpenVPN configuration file yourself.

Sample 1: Username/Password

This sample uses:


   dev tap
   proto udp
   remote 1194
   ca cacert.pem

This configuration file only refers to one external file (cacert.pem), so:

  1. upload the 2 files using the Browse option
  2. insert your allocated Username and Password - note that the auth-user-pass option can also take a file argument, so you can even insert newline-separated username and password in a new file and specify its name here (not recommended); in such case you would select also your external file when browsing files and choose None (from file) Authentication method
  3. Save and wait for State change

Sample 2: Plain certificate

This sample uses:


   dev tun
   proto tcp
   tun-mtu 1400
   remote 1195
   pkcs12 mycert.p12
   ca cacert.pem
   cert client.pem
   key client.key
   cipher AES-128-CBC
   verb 4					

This configuration refers to 3 files (cacert.pem, client.pem, client.key), so:

  1. upload main openvpn.conf and external files (total 4), using the Browse option
  2. since no passwords are required, choose None (from file) Authentication
  3. Save and wait for State change

Sample 3: Password-protected PKCS #12 certificate

This sample uses:


   pkcs12 mycert.p12							

The PKCS #12 bundle normally contains both CA certificate client keypair, so this configuration file only refers to one external file (mycert.p12). Hence:

  1. upload the 2 files using the Browse option
  2. choose Certificate Authentication
  3. insert the password which should be used to unencrypt the PKCS #12 bundle containing your certificate
  4. Save and wait for State change

Sample 4: 2-factor authentication via password-protected PKCS #12 certificate + username/password

This sample uses:


   pkcs12 mycert.p12

upload the 2 files using the Browse option

choose Certificate + Username/Password Authentication

insert Username and Password for PSK authentication

insert the PKCS #12 Password

Save and wait for State change


Please refer to for further details.